NIGERIA CATHOLIC NETWORK BLOG News Vatican Pope: ‘We must share the joy of the Gospel to bring hope to the world’
News Vatican

Pope: ‘We must share the joy of the Gospel to bring hope to the world’

Meeting a delegation from the French missionary forum Congrès Mission, Pope Francis encourages them to share the the joy of the Gospel with courage and creativity to restore hope in a broken world.

By Lisa Zengarini

“Never fear ‘to go out’  to the world” where “men and women live their joys and sorrows” and allow yourselves to be “shaken by the Holy Spirit” who spurs us to announce the joy and hope of the Gospel with creativity.

Pope Francis gave this strong encouragement as he addressed on Friday some fifty coordinators of the Congrès Mission, a missionary initiative spearheaded by several French Catholic movements to revitalize evangelization in France.

The group organizes an annual two- to three-day event bringing together thousands of Christians from across the country to pray, share and reflect on how  to best proclaim Gospel in today’s secularized society. 

The world desperately needs the Christian message of hope

Addressing the delegation in the Consistory Hall, Pope Francis commended Congrès Mission for their  “faithful commitment” to the service of the Gospel, which he said “is a source of light and hope in a world that so desperately needs it.”

Noting that this year’s gathering to be held  in the city of Bercy  will take place in the context of the current Jubilee of Hope, Pope Francis remarked that “Joy is inseparable from hope and mission.” It is “not limited to fleeting enthusiasm but arises from a personal encounter with Christ and directs us toward our brothers and sisters.”

To be pilgrims therefore means “walking together in the Church, but also having the courage to go out and meet others” to bring hope by “offering the world a living word, rooted in the Gospel, a word that consoles and opens new paths.”

Christ is our hope which we must share with others

Acknowledging that hope is often put to the test in our world marked by conflict, injustices, and “torn apart by individualism”, the Pope  emphasized that the Christian certainty that “Christ is our hope” is  “a gift to be shared, a light to be passed on.”

He therefore urged the Congrès Mission leaders to respond boldly to the call to  mission allowing themselves “to be shaken by the Holy Spirit “

“At times, this might mean stepping out of our usual shemes and even being willing to ‘create some confusion’ but the Holy Spirit pushes us toward creativity”, he said.

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