Dearest friends, recently, we have seen many self-proclaimed teachers on the social media. These teachers teach on variety of topics but the one that seems to be very common is SEX.
The above explains the saying that: ‘Sex sells.‘
Today, many persons FOLLOW these individuals, media pages, bloggers, etc.; without taking into consideration the negative effects of the ideologies they are being sold to. While some of these ideologies have immediate effects, others have future effects. This calls to mind the Shakespearean assertion thus: “All that glitters is not gold.”
Just imagine, today, these teachers are promoting Lesbianism, gay, pornography, masturbation, incest, fornication, adultery, fraudulent activities, violence, nudity, etc. on the social media. Can’t you see that such persons are simply out to make MONETARY GAINS by simply approving for their followers what God, the Church and the society have condemned as immoral and dangerous, both to the self (body and soul) and to the society?
But, why the rush to such individuals, pages, bloggers, etc.? For me, many think that they are ‘FREE’ in such virtual world to do whatever they like, without anybody (even those living with them) knowing about it. Well, that is, to a very large extent, true; however, there is the other side of the coin which many do not consider and that is this…
If you throw away the TRUTH to accept FALSEHOOD and DECEPTION, then, know it that you are simply DESTROYING YOURSELF and your FUTURE. Remember this Scriptural TRUTH: “Those who choose other gods multiply their sorrows” (Cf. Ps 16:4). In fact, because of such attitude, many persons are already BROKEN, EXPLOITED and IMPOVERISHED. Some have equally met their untimely death.
Dearest friends, if you still think that by following the moral teachings of God and the society that you will not be happy, then just meditate on these beautiful lines from the hymn on the celebration of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus thus:
*“He (God) binds us with a weightless chain;
*That leaves the WILLING CAPTIVE FREE.”
Finally, ask those who have been ADDICTED to one vice or the other, they will tell you how they are CRYING on daily basis just to be freed from such lifestyle. Please, say NO to these IMMORAL self-proclaimed teachers on the social media!
Remain blessed🙏🏼