Rev. Fr. David Okolie
Dearest friends,
There is no other thing that made Jesus Christ to come down from heaven if not for the SALVATION of mankind. Now that he has achieved that, he desires that ALL should embrace this salvation. Thus, the scripture affirms: โGod our Saviour wants ALL to be SAVED and come to the knowledge of the TRUTH” (cf. 1 Tim 2:4).
Yes, the above is the desire of God but how can people come to the knowledge of the TRUTH if nobody proclaims it to them? (cf. Rom 10:14). This is where you and I come in as BAPTIZED CHRISTIANS.
Although Jesus Christ has gained salvation for us but he has invited you and I, through our BAPTISM, to help draw as many as possible to this salvation. This was the sole task of the Apostles and the early Disciples. Now, it is our own task. Hence, the Catechism affirms:
Reborn as sons of God, [the BAPTIZED] must profess before men the faith they have received from God through the Church” and participate in the APOSTOLIC and MISSIONARY activity of the People of God (cf. CCC n. 1270).
So, beloved friends, you and I have the MISSIONARY OBLIGATIONย of bringing others to this banquet of Truth and Salvation. We will only be successful in this task through our words and the TESTIMONY of our LIFESTYLE because, as Pope St. Paul VI rightly said: โModern man listens more willingly to WITNESSES than to teachers…”ย (cf. Evangelii Nuntiandi n. 41).
Therefore, on this Mission Sunday, you and I should ask ourselves how many persons we have brought to the Truth of the Gospel Message since we were BAPTIZED. God forbid that we should be leading people AWAY from this TRUTH!
We pray the Blessed Virgin Mary to always support us with her powerful intercession. Amen๐๐ผ
READINGS: R1 Zach 8:20-23, R2 1 Tim 2:1-8, Gosp Mk 16:15-20)
Happy Sunday and remain blessed!
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