Reflections By Rev. Fr. David Okolie



Rev. Fr. David Okolie

Dearest friends,

Normally, there are various preparations for Christmas Celebration (The Coming of Christ). While some of these preparations are not bad in themselves, some of them are not only bad but are antithetical to the very Reason of the Season (i.e Jesus Christ).

The Church calls our consciousness to the ULTIMATE preparation for the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This preparation, certainly, will not be easy but it is a necessary condition for the reception of Jesus Christ. It is no longer business as usual. This time it involves “The leveling of every HIGH mountain and EVERLASTING hills” (cf. Lk 3:5-6, Baruch 5:7).

👉🏼Now, leveling the “high mountains and everlasting hills” involves eschewing the vices in us that would surely deny us the encounter with the Coming of Jesus, if not done away with. Thus, we must eliminate such vices as: pride, envy, jealousy, lust, greed, anger, cheat, sexual immorality, hatred, gluttony, stealing, fraudulent activities, etc.

👉🏼Not understanding this call for preparation has always led people into making life unbearable for others in the through the HIKING of the prices of goods and services within the season. Such persons think that preparation for the coming of Christ is in the making of PROFIT. The Church strongly condemns such behaviour thus:

A theory that makes PROFIT the exclusive norm and ultimate end of economic activity is morally unacceptable. The disordered desire for money cannot but produce perverse effects… (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], n. 2424).

The Church, as mother and teacher, goes further to remind all those who are involved in economic activities what they seemed not to have known thus:

The development of economic activity and growth in production are meant to PROVIDE for the needs of human beings. Economic life is not meant solely to multiply goods produced and increase profit or power; it is ordered first of all to the service of persons, of the whole man, and of the entire human community… (cf. CCC, n. 2426).

Therefore, beloved friends, as we hasten to celebrate this year’s Christmas, let us keep before our CONSCIOUSNESS that: the preparation for the Coming of Christ is not in making profit, eating, drinking, partying, etc. (Rom 14:17, Mt 22:29-30, 24:38-39). Instead, we should abandon every lifestyle that negatively affects our relationship with God and Neighbour.

We pray the Blessed Virgin Mary to always support us with her powerful intercession. Amen🙏🏼

Remain blessed!

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