Rev. Fr. David Okolie
Dearest friends,
At wedding ceremonies, we often hear those powerful words of Jesus Christ thus: “… What God has joined together, let nobody DIVIDE” (cf. Matt 19:6).
Unfortunately, more often than not, we seem not to take the above words of Jesus Christ as seriously as they are. If we really do, there may not be this ugly trend of DIVORCE in marriages. Therefore, the following are those who DESTROY marriages, by DIVIDING what God has joined together:
👉🏼1) Those who hook up to married women; engaging in IMMORAL RELATIONSHIP and SEXUAL INTIMACY with them through phone calls, chats, visits, etc.
👉🏼2) Those who go after married men with SEDUCTIVE INTENT.
👉🏼3) Wives who have little or no time for their husbands.
👉🏼4) Husbands who have little or no time for their wives.
👉🏼5) Married men who unleash physical and sexual violence on their wives.
👉🏼6) Married men who are so irresponsible that they do not care for the well-being of their wives and children.
👉🏼7) Mothers-in-law, Fathers-in-law, Brothers-in-law, Sisters-in-law, etc. who instigate hatred and suspicion in their own parties in the marriage.
👉🏼8) Friends who encourage their friends to be UNFAITHFUL in their marriage.
👉🏼9) Legal practitioners who facilitate divorce cases just to make MONEY.
👉🏼10) Couples who have no time for PRAYERS. Remember that ‘the family that PRAYS together, STAYS together.’
Dearest friends, you may add to the above list.
The truth remains that WHOEVER that DIVIDES what God has joined together, may not possibly go scot-free; the consequences can really be UNIMAGINABLE.
Therefore, let all of us work always towards keeping married couples TOGETHER by avoiding being part of the above and their likes. However, if you have really been involved in any of the above or their likes, kindly REPENT, CONFESS, and work towards restoring what you have DAMAGED.
Remain blessed🙏🏼