Rev. Fr. David Okolie
Dearest friends,
At our Baptism, through the Profession of Faith and the Waters of Baptism, we entered into a *BOND (Communion) of LOVE with God in Christ,* who is the Head of the Church and this Bond is Sealed with his own Blood. The Catechism affirms the above thus: *โTo say the Credo with faith is to enter into COMMUNION with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and also with the whole Church which transmits the faith to us and in whose midst we believe”* (cf. CCC, n. 197).
This *Bond* between the Baptized and God demands *FAITHFULNESS.* The *Faithfulness here is all about remaining COMMITTED to our Baptismal Promises which implies daily YES to God’s words, promises and commandments; to entrust oneself completely to him who is the โAmen” of infinite love and perfect faithfulness.* The Faithfulness of God in Jesus Christ is unquestionable; hence, โJesus Christ himself is the “Amen.” He is the definitive “Amen” of the Father’s love for us” (cf. CCC, n. 1065). We too ought to always be faithful to God, bearing in mind that: โGod is the very truth and can neither deceive nor be deceivedโ (cf. CCD n. 10). Peter understood the above clearly and that made him to affirm: *โTo whom shall we go to? You have the words of eternal life…”* (cf. Jn 6:68).
๐๐ผ *Unfortunately, despite God’s faithfulness to us in this our Bond of Love with him, very often, we are Unfaithful to him. We become UNFAITHFUL to him each time we reject his words/commandments and then go after the luring empty lifestyles of this passing world; such as: ill pursuit/flaunting of wealth, sexual immorality, hedonistic lifestyle, indecency/near nude fashion, atheistic disposition, etc.*
Surely, the unfaithfulness to God that many of the Baptized show towards God today is also becoming evident, even in marriages leading to broken marriages. Indeed, this ugly situation is quite unfortunate, especially when we understand that Christian marriage is a reflection of Christ’s bond of love with his Church of which we are part of.
๐๐ผTherefore, the question that must confront each and every one of us daily is: *โHow faithful am I still to my Love-Bond with God; especially in the face of my present life challenges?’*
May the Blessed Virgin Mary always support us with her powerful intercession. Amen.
Remain blessed!
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