January 24, 2025



The Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN)

The Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria is the administrative headquarters of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria. It is the most visible symbol of the unity, communion and solidarity of the Catholic Church in Nigeria. It was established in 1956 and legally recognized as a cooperate body in 1958.

Headed by the Secretary-General, the Secretariat implements the decisions of the CBCN along with facilitating the missionary, educational and human development work of the Bishops, priests, male and female Religious and lay people engaged with the Church in Nigeria. The objective of the CSN is to promote, at the national level, the common interest, spiritual, social, legal, educational and other activities of the Church in Nigeria.

The retinue of well-trained staff made up of priests, religious and a large percentage of laypersons distributed in the four Departments and the Social Communications Directorate as well as a National Catholic Service Centre are engaged daily in the promotion of the mission of the Church. They represent the Catholic Church in Nigeria before governmental and non-governmental agencies within and outside Nigeria.

The Staff of the CSN facilitate the participation of the Nigerian Clergy, Religious and laypeople, at the numerous meetings, workshops, congresses, retreats and seminars that are held at international, regional, sub-regional and local levels.

The Secretariat is structured according to the following:

  • 1. General Administration

  • 2. Department of Pastoral Affairs.

  • 3. Department of Pastoral Agents

  • 4. Department of Church and Society

  • 5. Department of Mission and Dialogue

  • 6. Directorate of Social Communications

Our Vision

All men and women from within and outside of Nigeria led to the abundant life that is available in the Christ’s Kingdom of Peace.

Our Mission

To spearhead and facilitate the teaching, prophetic and pastoral care ministries of the Catholic Church in Nigeria and to promote Christ civilization of love in our country and the whole world.

Secretaries Generals

Since inception to-date, the Secretariat has had 13 Secretaries-General. These are:

1. Most Rev. Edmund Joseph Fitzgibbon (1960-1963)

2. Rev Fr. L. Carr (1963-1967)

3. Most Rev. Brain Davis Usanga (1967-1970)

4. Most. Rev. Alexi O. Makozi (1970-1972)

5. Most Rev. Gabriel Ganaka (1972-1974)

6. Most. Rev. Msgr. A. E. Obine (1974-1979)

7. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John N. Ogbonna (1979-1985)

8. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raphael C. Anasiudu (1985-1994)

9. Most Rev. Dr Matthew Hassan Kukah (1994-2000)

10. Very Rev. Fr. George Ehusani (2000-2006)

11. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael Otto Ekpenyong (2006-2012)

12. Rt Rev. Msgr. Ralph Okechukwu Madu (2012-2018)

13. Very Rev. Fr Zacharia Nyantiso Samjumi (2019-date)