January 15, 2025
Reflections By Rev. Fr. David Okolie



Rev. Fr. David Okolie

Dearest friends,

Through the price of his own blood, Jesus Christ has gained eternal glory; which sets him above all that is in heaven, on earth and under the earth (cf. Phil 2:6-11). He is the UNIVERSAL KING. He is the Ruler of the Kings of the earth (cf. Rev 1:5). Also, the Kingship of Christ, unlike the worldly kingship, is characterized by righteousness, love, service, humility and eternity (cf. Lk 22:25-27, Dan 7:14).

The sharing in the KINGSHIP of Christ through BAPTISM is what is called โ€˜The Common Priesthood of the Faithfulโ€™ (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], no. 1546). At our baptism, we are anointed with โ€˜Chrism oil’ which configures us into priests, prophets and KINGS. Thus, the Catechism affirms:

The anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop, signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptised, who has become a Christian, that is, one โ€œanointed” by the Holy Spirit, incorporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet and KING (cf. CCC no. 1241).

As sharers in Christ’s Kingship, what are expected of us? This question is beautifully answered by the 1983 code of the canon law thus:

Christ’s faithful are those who, since they are incorporated into Christ through baptism, are constituted the people of God. For this reason they participate in their own way in the priestly, prophetic and KINGLY office of Christ. They are called, each according to his or her particular condition, to exercise the mission which God entrusted to the Church to fulfil in the world (cf. Can. 204).

The baptised, who are sharers in Christ’s Kingship are equally called to exercise their state by presenting themselves as sacrifice, living and pleasing to God, bearing witness to Christ through abnegation and active charity (cf. Lumen Gentium nn. 10,11).

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸผTherefore, since we are sharing in the KINGSHIP of Christ, St. Paul advises us with these enriching words: โ€œLet not SIN REIGN in your mortal body, such that you would obey its desires” (cf. Rom 6:12). Hence, we are enjoined to live no longer as SLAVES of our empty passions but as RULERS of them; to live no longer in fears of the principalities and powers of this world but as Controller of them all. As a child of God, stand up and walk in DOMINION!

We pray the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, the King, to always assist us in our daily struggles. Amen.

Remain blessed!

Rev. Fr. David Okolie is a Priest of the Catholic Diocese of Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria. He is a prolific writer, retreat preacher and social media evangelizer.

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