January 25, 2025
Reflections By Rev. Fr. David Okolie



Rev. Fr. David Okolie

Dearest friends,

God does not actually forbid us from acquiring the things we can call ours. But the problem is how we use what we have acquired.

PRIVATE OWNERSHIPย of property has to do with the exclusive right of an individual or a group in the control over a thing acquired. This includes: the right to dispose of a thing freely, that is, to use, consume, sell, donate or bequeath it; the right to the fruits of a thing and the right to exclude others from acting upon the thing. The Church over the years has defended the right to private ownership of property. The Church sees this right as a natural right and an indispensable element in the social order (cf. Rerum Novarum, nn. 3-13, Quadragesimo Anno, n. 44, Mater et Magistra, nn. 104-115).

However, the Church attaches to this right the need for CHARITY and SOLIDARITY which must be inspired by the consciousness of the โ€˜COMMON GOOD.’ This is necessary, especially when one understands the fact that whatever one has acquired is made possible by God so that one becomes a channel of God’s care to others, especially the poor. Hence, Pope Pius XI maintains that: concerning the individual and social character of ownership, men must consider not only their own advantage but also the *COMMON GOOD* (cf. Quadragesimo Anno, no. 49). The Catechism of the Catholic Church corroborates the above thus:

The appropriation of property is legitimate for guaranteeing the freedom and dignity of persons, and for helping each of them to meet his basic needs and the needs of those in his charge. It should allow for a natural SOLIDARITY to develop between men” (cf. CCC n. 2402).

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸผNow, the question is: โ€˜How many persons have you helped with that your Riches, Intelligence, Skill, Piety, Connection, etc?’ God is calling you today to extend that thing he has given you to others. Remember that: โ€˜a lighted candle loses nothing by lightning other candles.’ย In the same way, you will certainly not become poor, less intelligent, less skillful, less pious, etc. by helping others; instead you gain more. Thus, God spoke to the widow through Prophet Elijah: *’The jar of flour will not fail, nor the bottle of oil be diminished, until the day when the Lord will grant rain upon the face of the earth’ ” (cf. 1 Kings 17:14).

We pray the Blessed Virgin Mary to always support us with her powerful intercession. Amen๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Remain blessed!

Rev. Fr. David Okolie is a Priest of the Catholic Diocese of Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria. He is a prolific writer, retreat preacher and social media evangelizer.

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