Rev. Fr. David Okolie
Dearest friends, the central nature of the *HOLY EUCHARIST* is gradually eluding us today and that is *LOVE.* Love cannot be present without *UNITY.* What other message does the symbol of *ONE BREAD* and *ONE CHALICE* communicate to us if not LOVE and UNITY?
Beloved friends, the demand of Love and Unity is indeed, inseparable from the participation in the Holy Eucharist. Thus, St. Paul urges us: *โBe kind and compassionate to one another, FORGIVING each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”* (cf. Eph 4:30). Therefore, a serious *POISON* to the Love and Unity which the Holy Eucharist demands is *UNFORGIVING HEART* which is brought about by the effect of *SIN.* Unfortunately, a number of the faithful approach this *FEAST OF LOVE* with such heart. Well, such persons must take to heart these beautiful lines from the Didache:
๐๐ผ *โ…On the Lord’s Day, assemble together and break bread, and give thanks, first confessing your sins, that your sacrifice may be pure. If any man has a quarrel with a friend, let him not join your assembly until they are reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be defiled…”* (cf. โDidache’ N 9, 1-10,6).
๐๐ผThe truth remains that *WHOEVER* that approaches the Holy Eucharist with such heart, commits a *SACRILEGE* and cannot have any benefit from the Holy Food. Such a person receives *CONDEMNATION.* Hence, the Catechism affirms: *โTo respond to this invitation we must PREPARE ourselves for so great and so holy a moment… Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of RECONCILIATION before coming to communion”* (cf. CCC, n. 1385, 1 Cor 11:27-29).
๐๐ผAnother important thing we should also know about the Holy Eucharist is that it is equally administered as *VIATICUM* (food for travellers); that is those in the danger of death, who are about to embark on an eternal journey. It strengthens them for the journey just as Elijah was strengthened by the food brought by the Angel (1 Kgs 19:4-8). Concerning this, the 1983 Code of the Canon Law asserts: *โChrist’s faithful who are in danger of death, for whatever cause, are to be strengthened by holy communion as VIATICUM…”* (cf. Can. 921f). Do not forget that we are TRAVELLERS here on earth and so we need this HOLY FOOD for daily strength.
We pray the Blessed Virgin Mary, to always support us with her powerful intercession. Amen๐๐ผ
Remain blessed!
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